PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa <p style="text-align: justify;">PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa (P-ISSN: 2303-2693) is civil engineering journal of engineering faculty, Warmadewa University which is published twice a year in June and December. The purpose of this journal is as sharing center of research, scientific communication and information that related to civil engineering. PADURAKSA is a structure column that has head, body and foot section which is exist in the corner of traditional house wall (penyengker), each penyengker in the house yard consist of 4 paduraksa. Based on philosophies, paduraksa has each name in each corner of the location such as sari raksa (located in northeast), aji raksa (located in southeast), rudra raksa (located in southwest), and kala raksa (located in southwest).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p><ul><li>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li><li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li><li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See <a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li><li></li></ul> (Putu Aryastana, Ph.D) (Putu Aryastana, Ph.D.) Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Analisis indeks vegetasi pada citra Landsat 8 untuk penentuan perubahan tutupan lahan di Kabupaten Badung, Provinsi Bali <p>One of the common problems in urban regions is urbanization, urbanization, and industrialization trigger land use change, this land use change urges green land in urban areas to shrink, triggering building density which in the future will lead to new problems such as limited natural resources, congestion, and air pollution, Badung is a regency that is currently being attacked by massive land changes, therefore this research was conducted to compare the level of vegetation density and the area of vegetation density using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) technique in 2015 and 2021 over Badung Regency. The supervised classification method was used to produce four classes consisting of water, soil, settlement, and vegetation. The results of this study exhibited the land cover decreased between 2015 and 2021 in the vegetation class around 57.26 km<sup>2</sup>. On the other hand, there is an increase in the land cover class for the settlement, land, and water body categories of 47.38 km<sup>2</sup>, 4.08 km<sup>2</sup>, and 5.80 km<sup>2</sup>, respectively. These results were obtained with an accuracy rate and kappa coefficient is 89.27% and 0.86, respectively. This indicate the classification recult in this study was feasible to use.</p> Putu Aryastana, I Gede Yogi Adnyana Puspita Riana, Ilona Dwiyeni Nahak, I Wayan Wartana, Ida Bagus Made Yatana Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Fri, 22 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Validitas data curah hujan produk satelit IMERG terhadap data curah hujan terukur di wilayah Bima dan Dompu <p>Complete rainfall data for an extended period is needed to facilitate hydrological analysis. However, there are many obstacles to obtaining the measurement rainfall data as a limitation of rain gauges, especially in remote areas. This study aims to determine the accuracy of rainfall data estimated by the IMERG (Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM) satellite and obtain a correction factor to improve its compatibility with measured rainfall data. The IMERG satellite rain data was corrected using the regression method and the average ratio. The accuracy of the IMERG satellite rain data against the measured rain data is measured from the NSE, R, RMSE, and RB values. The analysis results show that the accuracy of the GPM satellite daily rain data is very low but improving for the ten-daily and monthly periods. Generally, the best correction factors for daily, ten-daily, and monthly periods are obtained using simple linear regression methods and 2nd-order polynomials. The corrected IMERG satellite rain data increase in accuracy, where the monthly rainfall data performs well, the ten-daily data generally complies, and the daily data has not shown good performance. The average values of NSE, R, RMSE, and RB for daily data are 0.14 (poor), 0.37 (weak), 9.18 mm, and -0.12%, respectively; for ten-daily data respectively, 0.40 (fair), 0.63 (strong), 39.42 mm, and 1.47%; and for monthly data are 0.55 (fair), 0.74 (strong), 80.19 mm, and -0.07%. The ten-daily and monthly rainfall data from the IMERG satellite can be used as a rain source data alternative in the Bima and Dompu areas by applying a correction factor.</p> Rostihanji, Humairo Saidah Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:14:35 +0700 Pengujian validitas konstruk berbagi pengetahuan pada tim proyek DB <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 9.5pt;">The variable or construct of sharing knowledge is a multidimensional construct. The aim of this research is to test the validity and reliability of the indicators forming the knowledge sharing construct by conducting confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The knowledge sharing construct is measured using 2 (two) dimensions, namely the tacit knowledge sharing dimension and the explicit knowledge sharing dimension, with 14 (fourteen) indicators that are in accordance with theoretical studies. Factors that influence tacit knowledge sharing and explicit knowledge sharing are analyzed based on field data collected from distributing 120 questionnaires to 40 DB projects in several cities in Indonesia. From the outer loading results, it can be seen that all construct indicators are valid where the resulting t-statistics value is &gt; 1.96. Then from the results of the path coefficients, all first order constructs have a significant effect on the second order construct of knowledge sharing where the resulting t-statistics value for all first order constructs is &gt; 1.96. This means that the knowledge sharing instrument developed has good construct validity and has a high internal consistency reliability coefficient.</span></p> Made Novia Indriani Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:54:11 +0700 Analisis kapasitas box culvert existing pada pengembangan Bandar Udara Rendani Provinsi Papua Barat <p>Airports serve as transportation facilities that can assist in mobilization and provide access to and from a region. In the context of the development of Rendani Airport in Manokwari, West Papua, an extension of the runway is being carried out. The use of a box culvert as a river channel and foundation for the runway must have sufficient capacity, as it is directly related to the safety of activities at the airport. Therefore, this study aims to calculate the planned flood discharge of the channel to determine the capacity of the installed box culvert. Furthermore, it aims to determine the minimum safe dimensions for the box culvert and assess the safety of the installed dimensions. The analysis used to solve this problem includes frequency distribution analysis, rainfall intensity analysis, the analysis of the runoff coefficient of the catchment area, calculation of the planned flood discharge, and an evaluation of the dimensions of the box culvert. The results of the calculation show that the capacity of the installed box culvert dimensions is 438.4 m³/s, and the planned flood discharge capacity for a 100-year return period is 215.26 m³/s. It can be concluded that the capacity of the installed dimensions is sufficient to meet the planned discharge. Therefore, the minimum existing box size that can be used is 3.1 m x 7 m.</p> Sinta Afifah K Assem, Falderika Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Fri, 22 Dec 2023 10:22:34 +0700 Pemanfaatan abu serbuk kayu dan serbuk cangkang kerang sebagai material stabilisasi tanah lunak <p>Muara Gembong Sub-district, Bekasi Regency, West Java Province, has many damaged and bumpy roads. This area is coastal and some parts of the area are swampy soils that have low bearing strength, not meeting the required bearing strength (CBR) of at least 6%. This research aims to analyze the effect of the addition of sawdust ash and clam shell powder as soil stabilization material on bearing strength, in this case the California Bearing Ratio value. The method used in this research is a laboratory experiment of soft soil stabilization mixed with additive materials in the form of sawdust ash and clam shell powder at a proportion of 2% and 4% to the dry weight of the soil. Tests carried out include Atterberg limit test, compaction, and CBR in unsubmerged conditions. The analysis showed that the soil mixed with 4% clam shell powder without sawdust ash increased the CBR value by 84.32% against the original soil CBR. Soil mixed with clam shell powder and sawdust ash also experienced an increase in bearing strength but not as good as soil mixed with clam shell powder alone.</p> Irvan Ustuchri, Anita Setyowati Srie Gunarti, Sri Nuryati, Elma Yulius, Eko Darma, Ninik Paryati, Fajar Prihesnanto Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Fri, 22 Dec 2023 11:10:04 +0700 Aplikasi vektor beban penentu lokasi kerusakan struktur pada struktur portal rangka ruang <p>Structural health monitoring system is one of the most interesting and important topics in civil engineering. This is because a good structural health monitoring system will increase the reliability of the structure. There are 4 (four) levels in the structural health monitoring system, one of which is damage localization. Damage localization requires an approach or method that can accurately predict the damaged member. One of the methods that is widely applied and proven to give good results for predicting damaged members called damage locating vector (DLV). The DLV method has been applied to several structures, such as plane truss structures, space truss structures, plane frame structures, shear buildings, plane stress elements, thick plate elements and several types of structures. The purpose of this research is to apply DLV method to space frame structures to find out the effectiveness of this method in damage detection. There are three damage scenarios used, two single damage scenarios and one multiple damage scenario. Based on the results obtained, the DLV method can accurately determine the damaged member in the space frame structure for single damage scenarios but in case of multiple damage scenarios, the DLV cannot predict the damaged member due to the values ​​of the end forces and moments of the damaged members are similar to one another.</p> Richard Frans, Yoyong Arfiadi Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sat, 23 Dec 2023 18:45:27 +0700 Inovasi pembuatan panel dan batako berbahan serbuk kayu sebagai dinding rumah sederhana tahan gempa <p>The number of poor people in Indonesia in March 2021 was 27.54 million people. One indicator is that people do not yet have decent homes. The income of the poor is generally below average, resulting in difficulties in accessing housing loans from banks. All parties must contribute in helping the poor to have livable houses. Researchers innovate to make simple houses livable based on Appropriate Technology, namely technically meeting safety, economical and affordable, ergonomic according to occupant anthropometry, fulfilling socio-cultural standards so that they can be accepted by the community and are energy efficient and sustainable. The innovation of using panels or bricks from sawdust for the walls of a simple house with a size of 3 m x 6 m that was built according to Appropriate Technology methods meets feasibility. The maximum stress ratio of 0.534 occurs in the column and is smaller than the required 1.0. The maximum deviation that occurs at the top of the building is 5.91 mm and is smaller than 0.02 times the total height of the building, namely 0.02 times 4000 is 80 mm. Measurement of the intensity of natural lighting during the day obtained 338 Lux, room temperature obtained 25.56°C, air humidity (RH) 71.62%, and air movement 0.15 m/sec and noise 36.82 dB. The contribution of this research is to provide a new wall material solution for simple houses, namely walls made from panels and bricks made from wood powder.</p> I Nyoman Sutarja, I Made Dodiek Wirya Ardana, AAG Agung Yana, I Nyoman Susanta, IDGA Diasana Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sat, 23 Dec 2023 19:09:51 +0700 Analisis water footprint pada budidaya pakcoy dengan sistem irigasi bawah permukaan pocket fertigation <p>Limited water resource and the decrease in the plant productivity of the bok choy (Chinese white cabbage) causes the need for appropriate irrigation technology. Pocket fertigation, as an innovative irrigation technology, is develop from previous a ring irrigation system and it is expected to increase crop and water productivity. This study aims to analyze the water footprint of the bok choy plant using a pocket fertigation irrigation system with various scenarios, and to determine the optimal irrigation system. The research was conducted in April-June 2022 at Kinjiro Farm, Bogor City. The research steps included land preparation, data collection, data processing, and water footprint analysis. Irrigation scenario design is influenced by factors of pocket fertigation (P1) and conventional (P2) irrigation systems, as well as water supplied based onetime evaporation (A1) and two times evaporation rates. The total water footprint in scenarios P1A1, P2A1, P1A2, and P2A2 are 251.72 m<sup>3</sup>/ton, 231.56 m<sup>3</sup>/ton, 295.69 m<sup>3</sup>/ton and 222.16 m<sup>3</sup>/ton respectively with the highest irrigation efficiency occurs in the P2A1 scenario, so further development of pocket fertigation is needed to minimize the water footprint and increase water productivity.</p> Putri Agustina Hotmatua Hutabalian, Chusnul Arif Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sat, 23 Dec 2023 19:39:32 +0700 Analisis perbandingan biaya, waktu, dan dampak lingkungan pada pekerjaan lapis pondasi atas menggunakan material recycle dan cut and fill (studi kasus: proyek pembangunan jalur lintas selatan Tulungagung -Trenggalek) <p>Nowadays, environmental issues in construction project activities that were previously ignored have become major problems as they trigger global warming. Consequently, green construction as a concept of sustainable development has begun to be implemented. It is sort of an effort to minimize the impact of damage to the environment. The construction project of the Tulungagung-Trenggalek southern route carried out material recycling from construction waste to top foundation layer material. The material processing will have an impact on the construction implementation. Therefore, it is necessary to have a study on a comparative analysis of costs, time, and environmental impacts on the work of the top layer using recycled materials and the cut-and-fill method. After using recycled materials, the cost was IDR 2,637,312,551.00, while the cut-and-fill method cost was IDR 2,535,283,401.00. The recycling method took 20 days, whereas the cut-and-fill method took 37 days. Material waste reached 5729.27 tons by the recycle method and 46586.82 tons by the cut-and-fill method. The recycling method caused emissions of 52774.4 kgCO<sub>2</sub>/liter, while the cut-and-fill method brought in 59935.34 kgCO<sub>2</sub>/liter. In conclusion, the recycling method can be categorized as a green construction method because it produces fewer emissions and waste than the cut-and-fill method. The recycling method can reduce the impact of environmental damage.</p> Fahmi Firdaus Alrizal, Diah Listyaningsih, Ihsan Galang Saputra Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Sat, 23 Dec 2023 20:12:23 +0700 Analisis penerapan lean six sigma terhadap pengendalian pemborosan material, waktu dan biaya berdasarkan kualifikasi perusahaan konstruksi di Jawa Barat <p>Application lean six sigma (LSS) in West Java is still more often used in the manufacturing industry, in order to provide good product quality for customer satisfaction. Therefore, this study aims to determine how far the application of LSS in West Java has been applied to the construction industry and to find out whether there are differences between each company's qualifications regarding how to control material waste, time waste and cost waste in construction projects after controlling LSS. The method used to answer the purpose of implementing LSS is a descriptive statistical test. While the methods used for different ways of controlling the wastage of materials, time and costs are Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA). The results of the descriptive statistical tests show that the application of LSS to large companies is included in the Very Good criteria (BS) with a score of 82%, for medium-sized companies it gets a value of 75% and small companies with a value of 74%, which means that its application is included in the Good criteria (B). The MANCOVA test results show that there is a difference between large and medium-sized companies in controlling material wastage. There is a difference between large and medium-sized companies in controlling time wastage. There is a difference between large companies and small companies in controlling time wastage. As for the wastage of costs, each company's qualifications in West Java do not have significant differences.</p> Gergorius Yohanes Iyai, Peter F. Kaming Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Mon, 25 Dec 2023 14:25:09 +0700 Pengaruh pasang surut air laut terhadap kekuatan beton komposit material Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) <p>Concrete is a material that is commonly used to build infrastructure in various environmental conditions, but concrete has a weakness in environments exposed to salt water. So, the engineer intends to research the impact of exposure to sea water on the compressive strength and split tensile strength of concrete, and use GGBFS as a substitute for cement to reduce the impact of exposure to sea water on concrete. In this study, researchers will conduct experiments by exposing concrete to artificial seawater with dry-wet cycles with immersion durations of 24 hours, 16 hours, and 8 hours, as an interpretation of the tide cycle. The test results obtained are by adding 20% of GGBFS to the concrete mixture, the concrete will experience an increase in performance from 29.06 MPa on compressive strenght and 2.34 MPa on tensile split strenght to be 32.17 MPa on compresive dan 2.64 on tensile split strenght compared to concrete without the addition of GGBFS, and by exposing it to seawater for 24 hours, concrete with 20% GGBFS mixture has compressive strength which is better than normal concrete without GGBFS mixture, but with 40% GGBFS content the concrete will decreases in performance to 26.98 MPa. Meanwhile, based on the immersion method using sea water that has been carried out, the decrease in concrete performance is most significant to 24.15 MPa in compressive streght when it experiences an 8-hour soaking cycle. This proves that concrete exposed to sea water will experience a decrease in strength, especially in extreme tidal conditions. Utilization of GGBFS as a concrete mix is an effort to utilize waste, but there are ideal proportions and mixing techniques that need to be considered, so that waste concrete does not experience a significant loss of performance.</p> Muhammad Kemal Rafif, Alfinna Mahya Ummati Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Mon, 25 Dec 2023 14:57:26 +0700 Model dekonstruksi bangunan berkelanjutan berbasis “reverse 4D BIM” <p>Indonesia's increasing population and limited land have made the need for shelter, workplaces, and vertical buildings increase. As a consequence, buildings that have exceeded their service life, have changed their function, have been damaged by a disaster, and are not fit for function need to be demolished. Demolition needs special attention because the process requires complex planning, is hidden, carries high risks, and generates more than 40% of the total solid waste in developing countries. In Indonesia in particular, deconstruction has not been carried out by many demolition service providers. The government does not yet have comprehensive regulations for sustainable building demolition. This study aims to propose a sustainable demolition model by prioritizing the conservation of demolition waste material. In this study, the "reverse 4D BIM" technology is used to visualize the sequencing of the demolition process and predict the type, volume, and scheduling of disposal of demolition waste. The predicted results of demolition waste are then classified for their use using reduce, reuse, and recycle (3R) concept to maximize the sustainability of the demolition process and the circular economy. To implement this model, a 4D BIM-based building simulation is used. The simulation results show that the proposed model is effective and can be implemented for sustainable building demolition.</p> Tri Joko Wahyu Adi, Novalia Andriyani Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Mon, 25 Dec 2023 15:19:35 +0700 Analisa ketidakberaturan horizontal dan vertikal pada struktur gedung beton bertulang <p>The behavior of regular and irregular building structures in resisting earthquake loads will certainly be different, so structural modeling must be done in such a way as to form a safe structure. The building in this study is L-shaped with an area of 2079.52 m<sup>2</sup> with 6 floors and 28 m of total height. Earthquake load modeling in this study uses the equivalent static analysis method and design spectrum response about SNI concrete 2847-2019 and SNI earthquake 1726-2019. This study aims to investigate the behavior of multilevel reinforced concrete structures that experience horizontal and vertical irregularities due to earthquake loads as seen from the displacement and drift ratios that occurs is based on the results of numerical analysis. Based on the results of research on the geometry of the structure with vertical irregularities, it shows that the structure does not have Type 1a, Type 1b, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5a and Type 5b irregularities. Thus the structure can be planned without considering the requirements to satisfy vertical irregularities. The geometry of the structure with horizontal irregularities shows that the structure has no irregularities in Type 1a, Type 1b, Type 3, Type 4 and Type 5. Meanwhile in Type 2 the structure is stated to have irregular inside angles, so the design force of the diaphragm on the structure must be increased by 25% at the planning stage.</p> Nurul Hidayati, Hariyadi, Mukhta Riqi Sab’it Tibaq Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Mon, 25 Dec 2023 18:25:46 +0700 Analisis tipe gerakan tanah pada lereng Bendungan Bulango Ulu Kabupaten Bone Bolango menggunakan metode kinematika <p>The Bulango Ulu Dam is one of the strategic projects built in Tuloa Village, North Bulango District, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. In building a dam, geological analysis and slope stability are very important to avoid the risk of collapse or structural failure. This research aims to conduct geological analysis and slope stability at the Bulango Ulu Dam using kinematics methods. The kinematics method is used to determine the type of ground movement on the dam slope and identify the probability value of failure. Geological data related to lithology, petrography, geological structure and geomorphology are collected through direct observations and in the laboratory. Then, this data is used to determine geological conditions, geological structure and geomorphology which are then interpreted in relation to slope stability. The research results show that the geomorphological units are alluvial plains and low structural hills. The lithology that makes up the slopes of the Bulango Ulu Dam is composed of alluvial units and granodiorite units. The geological structure that develops is in the form of tensile joints in a general direction east-west (E-W) and cut by tension joints in a general direction north-south (N-S). The type and probability of ground movement that occurs based on segment, namely on segment A-B slopes in the form of Wedges (21.65%), segment B-C slopes in the form of Wedges (12.27%), segment E-F slopes in the form of Wedges (15.12%), and segment slopes G-H is a Wedge (21.8%). Based on the results of kinematic and boundary equilibrium analysis, the slopes on the Bulango Ulu dam are in the stable category. This research recommends that there is no need to make changes to the geometry of the dam slope because the slope is in a stable condition.</p> Moehammad Jasim Agi Saputra, Aang Panji Permana, Noviar Akase Copyright (c) 2023 PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Mon, 25 Dec 2023 19:13:57 +0700