Journal History
Jurnal Notariil published by Universitas Warmadewa and managed by Magister of Notary, Postgraduate program in collaboration with Subdirectorate Publication. The first issue was published on 2016 (prints and online). Since the first publication, it has changed several times in term of journal management and policy.
- In 2016, the printed edition of the inaugural issue was made available.
- ISSN Online was first made available by LIPI in February 2018 with SK Number 0005.26151545/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018.02, valid from Vol. 2, No. 2.
- Since 2016, all articles have been required to use the most recent version of the Jurnal Notariil template.
- In 2017 was the year that the journal was registered and indexed on several websites, including Google Scholar, IPI, and others.
- in March 2018, The Universitas Warmadewa joined Crossref, and Jurnal Notariil utilized the DOI prefix 10.22225.
- In 2018, Jurnal Notariil was indexed by SINTA with rank SINTA 4
- In 2019, Jurnal Notariil was indexed by SINTA with rank SINTA 3
- In 2021, Jurnal Notariil was indexed by SINTA with rank SINTA 4
- In the year 2022, Jurnal Notariil underwent a makeover to the website and updating information Needed to be indexed in several international indexing.
- In 2023, based on the editorial decision to improve quality and establish the journal, the editorial board decided to charge of processing the journal.