Acts against Civil Law versus Acts Against Criminal Law Versus Rechtsvinding HogeRaad/Supreme Court Judge

  • Youngky Fernando Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf(UNIS) Tangerang
Keywords: Civil law, violation, criminal law


An unlawful act in Dutch is called "onrechmatige daad," and in English, it is called "tort," which means "wrong" (wrong). the word "tort" develops to mean civil "mistake," which does not come from "default." So it is similar to the meaning of "unlawful act," which is called "onrechmatigedaad" in the Dutch legal system. The word "tort" comes from the Latin word "torquere" or "tortus" in language French, like the word "wrong" comes from the French word "wrung," which means "mistake or loss" (injury). The aim research is to know the challenges facing soes and soe subsidiaries toward business tranformation law enforcement and human rights protection (Post Constitutional Court Decision Number 01/PHPU-PRES/XVII/2019).This research is a normative legal research. The type of this research is a Normative Legal Research. The result shows  that Memorie van Toelichting Wetboek van Strafrecht voor Nederlandsch -Indie(WVSNI) WederrechTelijkheid was not found. What is meant by the word "law" in the phrase "Against the Law". If referring to the Postulate Contra Legem facit qui id facit quod lex prohibit; in fraudem vero qui, salvis verbis legis, sententiam ejus circumuenit. A person is declared unlawful when the act committed is an act prohibited by law. One of the main elements of a criminal act that is objective is against the law. The Legality Principle of Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. In Dutch, "against the law" is wederrechtelijk (weder: against, against; recht: law). In determining whether an act can be punished, the legislator makes unlawful behavior a written element.


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